Written by 4:51 am Video Teachings

What Should Our Worship Gatherings Look Like?

Friends, I’ve done my best to root this whole teaching in the Word. Outside of 1 Corinthians 14, the New Testament is somewhat quiet about the structure of our worship gatherings. What I’ve done here is gather things from all over the Bible to give us some direction on how to worship when we gather. I realize that not everyone will agree with me 100% on everything. I’m fine with that. I’ve learned that on subjects like this, we must have grace in disagreement. I also recognize that my church, where I serve as both the worship pastor and an elder, doesn’t practice this perfectly, so this is not me offering an argument against the way we do things. However, I won’t shy away from stating clearly that I believe this is the Biblical ideal and we should aim for it. So, it’s my hope that this will open a discussion where if we agree we can be glad and if we disagree, we can sharpen each other and find common ground.

I’ve provided some timestamps so you can go straight to the subject you’d like to hear.

  1. Introduction – 0:00
  2. Singing – 6:03
  3. Preaching – 15:23
  4. Fellowship – 22:58
  5. Mature Expressions of Spiritual Gifts – 28:04
  6. Prophetic – 36:15
  7. Spirit-led – 54:11
  8. Baptisms and the LORD’s Supper – 1:00:52
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Last modified: December 5, 2022