Author: Shane Callicutt

The Spiritual Impact of Music, Part I


I’ve served the LORD in the role of worship pastor since 2001. That role isn’t one...
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Don’t Quench the Spirit, II


Do not quench the Spirit. – 1 Thessalonians 5:19 There’s a side of quenching the Spirit that was not addressed …...
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Blog • One Comment

I am excited to let you all in on something I’ve been working on for over a year. Maybe three …...
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What Should Our Worship Gatherings Look Like?

Video Teachings

Friends, I’ve done my best to root this whole teaching in the Word. Outside of 1 Corinthians...
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Don’t Quench the Spirit

Blog • One Comment

Do not quench the Spirit. – 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Such a small verse with considerable implications. Opinions abound over how …...
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Troubles Won’t Last Always

Blog • 2 Comments

Lately, I’ve been candid in my teachings and sermons that the last year or more has been the most challenging …...
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Only One Agenda

Blog • 2 Comments

I’ve had a blog before. This time it’s different. Renewed Belief is a piece of a larger...
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