Am I Teaching or Preaching?
Since 2022, I’ve helped lead a summer preaching cohort at our church. Several capable men within our congregation desire to …...
By My Spirit
When You Don’t Know What To Do
We’re all familiar with the common wisdom that doing something is better than doing nothing. I understand the sentiment. I’ve...
Fear God; Honor Biden?
I’m purposefully unpolitical in most of my writings. Years ago, I decided that being another political voice wouldn’t...
Are You The Devil’s Guitar?
1 Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! 2 For they will soon fade...
Why Is Prayer So Hard?
“17 pray without ceasing” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV) Why is prayer both the easiest and hardest thing in the …...
Entering the Father’s Rest
I received a preaching opportunity on April 21, 2024. I dug into some of our Hebrews stuff!! Take a watch/ …...
Why Is It Important to Remove Unrepentant Sin?
The actual title of this teaching is Church Discipline and Cosmic Geography, but that didn’t...
Shane, I'm excited to be a part of this!